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Beautiful bookshelves

The thought of being able to have a bookshelf like one of these (just let me dream!) makes me want to stop renting and try to buy a flat more than anything else.


7 responses »

  1. simplethymeprims

    My favorite #4~… pics..

  2. Absolutely beautiful! You may have gotten these pictures from this one site but if you haven’t you should check it out. its called i love it!

  3. Glad I found this post – a real treat. Thanks for the pictures. I have something in mind for a lady who may meed part of her upstairs ceiling taken out so I can shelve up to the apex of the roof against a gable wall (providing the water tank in the attic is in the right place). The second picture really helps visualise the idea. Thank you.

  4. spiritualsignposts

    Thank you, what wonderful pics! I love bookshelves, and I love books … just wish I had more time to sit and read!


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